Solidarity with all who resist in Exarcheia, Athens!
Fuck the police 1312!
Victory to the squats!
Free West Papua!
Latrobe Valley, So-Called Australia: Banner Action in Solidarity with West Papua
Received on 26.08.19:
A banner with the slogan “Free West Papua” was hung over a bridge on the Princes Freeway, on lands of the Brayakooloong people of the Gunai Kurnai Nation in so-called Moe / Latrobe Valley, Gippsland, southeast Victoria. This small gesture of solidarity was carried out in response to the ongoing Peoples’ Uprising in West Papua.
For an insurgent feminism
Free West Papua!

Poster PDF download: Free West Papua
Corporate news link about the uprising
Anarchists Worldwide report on the racist attack on the West Papuan student dormitory in Surabaya, East Java
Jesus died for your homophobia
A “religious freedom” bill is set to be introduced into so-called Australian federal parliament this month, to give “christian” employers, school principles, hospitals, nursing homes, service providers etc the legal protection to sack workers, expel students, & deny people services on the grounds of their queer & transgender identity.
This bill is another step in strengthening the christo-fascist, white supremacist, & illegitimate colonial government of these lands. Although we have no faith in parliamentary politics, we’re not going to accept this latest homophobic & transphobic attack without a fight.
Queers bash back!
унищожи фашизма /// destroy fascism
No War on Northern Syria
Long live Women’s Resistance!

Jin rabin ser piyan hibo Efrine / Women rise up for Afrin!
“Our people have embraced the revolution with great sacrifice and a great price paid. Our people have stood with the fighters at every turn, and worked hard to grow and protect the revolution.
Prisons are for Burning papercraft zine

Colour or black & white versions free to download.
3 pages, includes instructions for assembling. Works best printed on 200gsm paper but regular 80gsm also works. Download PDF’s here:
Prisons are for burning b&w zine PDF
Prisons are for burning colour zine PDF
As usual, downloading is free, but if you’d like to contribute some money, please make a donation to the International Anarchist Defence Fund
Happy for people to print & sell for fundraisers.