Free Michael Kimble

Free Michael Kimble

Michael Kimble is a black, gay anarchist serving a life sentence in Alabama for the murder of a white, homophobic, racist bigot.

During his first years of imprisonment, Michael embraced communism, but soon moved away from it and toward anarchy because, as he describes it “anarchism is not about building a hierarchical structure for liberation somewhere in the distant future, but about living your life, now, in a fashion that’s liberating.

Michael has a long history of both individual and collective struggle against prison authority, and continues to engage in the fight against prison slave labor as part of the Free Alabama Movement.

June 11, Solidarity with Marius Mason & all long-term Anarchist Prisoners.

PDF poster download: Free Michael Kimble

Tamara Sol to the streets!

Tamara Sol to the streets! June 11, International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & all long-term Anarchist Prisoners.

Tamara Sol is an anarchist serving a 7 year prison sentence in Chile. On January 21, 2014 she entered a bank and fired multiple shots at a security guard, shouting “this is for revenge!” for her comrade Sebastian Oversluij, who was killed a month prior at the same bank during an attempted expropriation. She took the guard’s gun and fled, but was arrested shortly after, and sentenced to 7 years imprisonment by the Chilean courts. Tamara’s family, having both participated and lost relatives in the struggle against the Pinochet regime, consistently defend her actions and vocally attack the system that imprisons her and killed her comrade Sebastian.

In January 2018, Tamara attempted to escape from Valparaiso Prison, and was injured by both the fence’s razor wire and the guards who beat her after the attempt. She has since been transferred between prisons multiple times, and is currently being held at the notoriously brutal Llancahue prison in Valdivia.

PDF poster download: Free Tamara Sol

Alternative edit:

Marius Mason Present

“My body is trapped in here, but my heart is with you still fighting out there.”

Marius Mason present!

Marius Mason is a trans man & an anarchist, environmental, and animal rights prisoner. In March 2008, he was arrested by federal authorities for charges related to two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000 – damaging an office connected to GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) research, and destroying a piece of logging equipment. No one was injured in either act. He faced a life sentence before accepting a plea bargain in September 2008.

Mason was sentenced on February 5, 2009 in federal court in Lansing, Michigan. He received almost 22 years – the longest sentence of any Green Scare prisoner. An appeal for a reduction in his sentence was denied in 2010.
The Green Scare is the name given to the arrests of animal rights and environmental activists who have been charged with acts of economic sabotage. Federal authorities have sought outrageous sentences (often life in prison) and have publicly and legally labeled the activists as “terrorists” – despite the fact that no one has been killed or injured in any of the acts.

Support Marius Mason blog:

June 11, International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & all long-term Anarchist Prisoners

PDF poster download: Free Marius Mason

Victory to the Rebels in Sudan

Victory to the rebels in Sudan. Call for immediate acts of Anarchist solidarity.

‘We are calling for immediate acts of solidarity with rebels in Sudan (and against the Sudanese & Saudi state) – whether that’s banner drops, graffiti and wheat-pasting, informational tabling, rowdy marches & demos, fundraisers to help Sudanese doctors get medical supplies, or other creative acts of intervention that make sense in your context.

While this call is for immediate reaction we should be taking time to look at our local terrain to find private or state run entities with economic ties to the Sudanese or Saudi state and act against them to move our solidarity from what is most likely symbolic actions to show the people of Sudan they are not alone to a combative solidarity that impedes the smooth functioning of the TMC, the states that support and supply it, and the logistical flows of the supplies used to repress the uprising.

Solidarity is never a one off action, but a constant process of building relationships with other anarchists and movements for liberation, of examining, acting, and learning to build a materially effective practice of attack. International solidarity is key because Capital, it’s defenders, and it’s reaction fights globally and so should we.

Against Authoritarianism Anywhere
For Total Freedom Everywhere’

Read full text here:


For Toal Freedom Everywhere Ⓐ

Download poster PDF here: Victory to the rebels in Sudan

Zozan Cudi is Immortal

Remembering Zozan Cudi, brave YPJ warrior.
“I am fighting to live, they are fighting to die.”
Zozan Cudi is Immortal ????❤️????
Biji berxwedan!
Long live resistance!
Long live women’s Revolution!

Download poster PDF here: Zozan Cudi is immortal

Queer Insurrection

Queer Insurrection

‘Some will read “queer” as synonymous with “gay and lesbian” or “LGBT”. This reading falls short. While those who would fit within the constructions of “L”, “G”, “B” or “T” could fall within the discursive limits of queer, queer is not a stable area to inhabit. Queer is not merely another identity that can be tacked onto a list of neat social categories, nor the quantitative sum of our identities. Rather, it is the qualitative position of opposition to presentations of stability – an identity that problematizes the manageable limits of identity. Queer is a territory of tension, defined against the dominant narrative of white hetero monogamous patriarchy, but also by an affinity with all who are marginalized, otherized and oppressed. Queer is the abnormal, the strange, the dangerous. Queer involves our sexuality and our gender, but so much more. It is our desire and fantasies and more still. Queer is the cohesion of everything in conflict with the heterosexual capitalist world. Queer is a total rejection of the regime of the Normal.
As queers we understand Normalcy. Normal, is the tyranny of our condition; reproduced in all of our relationships. Normalcy is violently reiterated in every minute of every day. We understand this Normalcy as the Totality. The Totality being the interconnection and overlapping of all oppression and misery. The Totality is the state. It is capitalism. It is civilization and empire. The totality is fence post crucifixion. It is rape and murder at the hands of police. It is “Str8 Acting” and “No Fatties or Femmes”. It is Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. It is the brutal lessons taught to those who can’t achieve Normal. It is every way we’ve limited ourselves or learned to hate our bodies. We understand Normalcy all too well.
We must become bodies in revolt. We need to delve into and indulge in power. We can learn the strength of our bodies in struggle for space for our desires. In desire we’ll find the power to destroy not only what destroys us, but also those who aspire to turn us into a gay mimicry of that which destroys us. We must be in conflict with regimes of the normal. This means to be at war with everything. If we desire a world without restraint, we must tear this one to the ground. We must live beyond measure and love and desire in ways most devastating. We must come to understand the feeling of social war. We can learn to be a threat, we can become the queerest of insurrections.
To be clear: We’ve despaired that we could never be as well-dressed or cultured as the Fab Five. We found nothing in Brokeback Mountain. We’ve spent far too long shuffling through hallways with heads hung low. We don’t give a shit about marriage or the military. But oh we’ve had the hottest sex everywhere in all the ways we aren’t supposed to and the other boys at school definitely can’t know about it.
And when I was sixteen a would be bully pushed me and called me a faggot. I hit him in the mouth. The intercourse of my fist and his face was far sexier and more liberating than anything MTV ever offered our generation. With the pre cum of desire on my lips I knew from then on that I was an anarchist. In short, this world has never been enough for us. We say to it, “we want everything, motherfucker, try to stop us!”
let’s get decadent!
filth is our politics!
filth is our life!’

Excerpts from Toward the Queerest Insurrection by the Mary Nardini Gang
Read full text here:

Full colour glossy A5 postcard with the above text printed on the reverse. Available internationally for just a couple of dollars with 100% proceeds going to International Anarchist Defence Fund.



Guillotine Dreams

‘Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. ~Rumi

‘Caring for ourselves doesn’t mean pacifying ourselves. We should be suspicious of any understanding of self-care that identifies wellbeing with placidity or asks us to perform “health” for others. Can we imagine instead a form of care that would equip each of us to establish an intentional relationship to her dark side, enabling us to draw strength from the swirling chaos within? Treating ourselves gently might be an essential part of this, but we must not assume a dichotomy between healing and engaging with the challenges around and inside us. If care is only what happens when we step away from those struggles, we will be forever torn between an unsatisfactory withdrawal from conflict and its flipside, a workaholism that is never enough. Ideally, care would encompass and transcend both struggle and recovery, tearing down the boundaries that partition them.
Your human frailty is not a regrettable fault to be treated by proper self-care so you can get your nose back to the grind stone. Sickness, disability, and unproductivity are not anomalies to be weeded out; they are moments that occur in every life, offering a common ground on which we might come together. If we take these challenges seriously and make space to focus on them, they could point the way beyond the logic of capitalism to a way of living in which there is no dichotomy between care and liberation.’

Excerpt from the zine Self as Other; Reflections on Self Care, CrimethInc 2013
Read more here:

Guillotine Dreams Poster available at AQAB distro, so-called australia post only, B2 50 x 70 cm, $20 each.

Postcards available internationally, set of 5 different A6 cards, with the above text printed on the back. A hybrid art/agit-prop/zine, $3 set.

100% proceeds to International Anarchist Defence Fund

Fundraiser for the International Anarchist Defence Fund

The International Anarchist Defence Fund is a model of providing solidarity based on a similar structure to the International Anti-fascist Defence Fund. With repression of anarchists worldwide increasing, it’s important we organize to support comrades targeted by the state.

A group of anarcho-queers from so-called Australia have put together some beautiful pieces of original art with accompanying texts from various Anarchist essays & letters, printed as full color glossy postcards. The small postcards come as a set of 5, large postcards sold individually, intended as a hybrid art/agit-prop/zine project, for sale internationally for just a few dollars with 100% proceeds donated to A-fund.

Along with a short print run of large posters, for sale within so-called Australia only.

Check out the distro here, and if you’re able to share amongst your networks that’d be lovely!

For transparency, view donation receipts here:

Rise Up for Rojava

‘While the population of Rojava continues their struggle for self-determination, women’s liberation and radical democracy, defending itself against the attacks of jihadist gangs and the fascist Turkish state, the representatives of hypocritical governments shake hands with the Turkish oppressors.

While liquidation plans against the revolution in Kurdistan and Syria are made in Ankara, the European, Russian and USA weapon industries become richer day by day as a direct result of the wars in the Middle East. They make profits which cost millions of lives.

While hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from Afrin by jihadist gangs supported, equipped and monitored by the Turkish army, these jihadists and their families are settling and exploiting the resources of the people. They are selling the symbol of Afrin itself, olive oil from olive trees that have been cultivated there for hundreds of years, through Turkey to Spain and other European countries. This is what the Turkish state means when it claims to be securing its border: ethnic cleansing and jihadist gangs attacking the local people.

Not only in Afrin, but also in the mountains of Kurdistan and in the Turkish prisons, a huge resistance is being waged against these policies and attacks. In Northern Syria, the SDF, YPJ and YPG recently wiped out the remains of the Islamic State. This historic victory was only made possible through the bravery and sacrifice of thousands of martyrs, and the heroic resistance of local people. Thousands of women have organized and liberated themselves, and countless communes and cooperatives have been founded. The societies of Kurdistan, of Northern and Eastern Syria, have risen and are advancing day by day.

With the ongoing success of the revolution, Erdogan’s threats of further major military attacks on Northern Syria with the aim of total annihilation of the revolution, are increasing.

Turkey is proclaiming its success in “containment” of the refugee crisis outside the borders of Europe, but more and more people are realizing the true face of this regime. In reality, until Turkish fascism is defeated, ISIS will continue to be a threat and the revolution of Rojava will be under attack.

We must expose and attack the military and diplomatic cooperation between the AKP-MHP government and opportunist governments of the USA and Western European states. We have to build a collective resistance against the cooperation of our governments with Turkish fascism. The physical fight against Turkish and jihadist aggression in the Middle East must explicitly be connected to the fight against the policies of complicit governments around the world. If more democratic and revolutionary movements mobilise and organise through our communities and class rooms, agitating in our workplaces and the media, we can establish a second front against Turkish fascism and imperialism in Middle-East.

We must expand our actions, connect them and internationalise them. We have to trespass from a politics of protest to permanent political resistance. The Turkish army is firing their weapons, and NATO is providing the ammunition. The people of Kurdistan and Northern Syria are already responding to these attacks. We, as anti-fascists and revolutionary forces, will take action – through occupation, blockade and disruption – against the places of military, diplomatic and economical cooperation for Turkish fascism in our countries.

In solidarity with the people of Rojava, we will show solidarity through the following goals and actions:

1. We defend the Revolution and its achievements. We align ourselves with the revolution in Kurdistan, the defining struggle against the biggest manifestation of fascism of our time, and for the liberation of women and society.
We see this revolutionary process as being in line with the ongoing resistance in the history of humanity, following the October Revolution, the Spanish Civil War and the Cuban Revolution.

2. We will disrupt, block and occupy companies and financial institutions which support Turkish fascism militarily or financially. This includes exposing truths and spreading information, as well as mass actions and civil disobedience.

3. We denounce all associations, governments and alliances supporting the Turkish fascist state. We have to analyze their cooperation and disclose their self interested motives. The enemies of the revolution in Kurdistan and Syria are also our enemies. We oppose the intervention and occupation policies of the NATO-countries and the Russian Federation in the Middle East.

4. We will prevent the lies of the Turkish propaganda from spreading and in this way deny Turkish fascism any breathing room. Through lobbying and propaganda they try to spread their ideology and gain support for their criminal war. We will fight this ideology. Turkish fascism is our common enemy, our unity is internationalist anti-fascism!

We call on all activists and militants to join #riseup4rojava!

The revolution in northeastern Syria will prevail, Turkish fascism will be smashed!

Long live anti-fascist internationalism!
Solidarity with the anti-fascist forces in Turkey, Kurdistan and in the whole Middle-east!’