In awe of the variety and drama of these marine plants, after an intimate dance with the tide.
Smash all Settler States! Anarcho birthday greetings to the Rojava Revolution from so-called Australia.
On the 19.07.20, the 8th birthday of the Rojava Revolution, we unfurled these banners as a small gesture to the brave Kurdish women warriors of the YPJ, and remembering too the brave Gunai warriors past & present who resist this hell colony known as gippsland / australia. A few queer punks with a plan to escape the industrial hellscape for the afternoon, only to find ourselves at a pumping station along a river at the foothills of the Baw Baws, behind Energy Australia’s filthy coal power stations. Downstream where the water stagnates, overtaken by weeds, and 4WD’s rip up the earth beneath the towering gums, the surrounding hills long cleared and farmed. And yet in spite of this colonial violence, life exists, eco-systems persist. We realise our banners are no great threat to the colonial project, we humbly share them with the intention to show our love and respect for the Rojava revolution and Indigenous resistance worldwide – from the occupied territories of the Gunai Kurnai Nation to Kurdistan and beyond.
Smash the settler state, death to colonialism, long live resistance! (A)
Postcard sets are back in stock at AQAB distro!
100% of proceeds from this print run will be directed to CJ Palmer via Scarlet Alliance (Australian Sex Workers Association). CJ is a trans woman & a sex worker currently being held hostage in Australian immigration detention. The money raised will give CJ access to toiletries, clothing, phone credit and other necessities.
Order here: Anarcho Queer Agitation Bureau (AQAB) of Nihilistic Tendencies, set of 5 postcards
You can also give directly via this link:
Still Not Alone: Support CJ Palmer during her immigration appeal
Art by Post-Romantic Queerwave, with excerpts from Anarchist texts and letters printed on the reverse sides. Including by Aggeliki Spyropoulos, Juan Flores, Conspiracy Cells of Fire, Flower Bomb, CrimethInc & more.
Satin Bowerbird fine art prints update
Total profits made was $905.90 !!
$906 has now been forwarded to the Justice for Yuendumu gofundme campaign. More is needed, so please keep sharing the link & donate directly if you’re able to:
Justice for Yuendumu: Inquiry on Police Shooting GoFundMe
Thank you to everyone who purchased one (or three!).
Printing is underway & orders will be posted by the end of the week.
Love & strength to the Walker family & the community of Yuendumu. Wishing you justice & peace.
Justice for Yuendumu fundraiser

**Pre-order sales close Sunday 1st December 2019**
A4 giclee print of original watercolour, ink & digital painting, on Canson cotton rag paper.
Fundraiser for Justice for Yuendumu, all proceeds will be donated to Justice for Yuendumu: Inquiry on Police Shooting
Order here: AQAB distro
Good Night Aussie Pride
Free West Papua!
Latrobe Valley, So-Called Australia: Banner Action in Solidarity with West Papua
Received on 26.08.19:
A banner with the slogan “Free West Papua” was hung over a bridge on the Princes Freeway, on lands of the Brayakooloong people of the Gunai Kurnai Nation in so-called Moe / Latrobe Valley, Gippsland, southeast Victoria. This small gesture of solidarity was carried out in response to the ongoing Peoples’ Uprising in West Papua.
For a World Without Borders
‘We are entering the seventh year of Australia’s inhuman offshore detention policy that has sought to destroy all of us who were transported to Manus and Nauru and has left us without hope.
When we decided to risk our lives and leave our home countries, it was because we had no choice. We knew that we were risking our lives, but if we had stayed in our homes then we were risking torture and even death. We believed Australia would be a safe haven for us. We thought that it was committed to its international obligations under the United Nations Refugee Convention.
We thought Australia respected human rights. But after six years in indefinite detention in PNG, in horrific living conditions, and after the deaths of 12 fellow refugees, we know that were mistaken. We have no chance of safety and freedom. My fellow refugees and I are being punished for nothing but seeking protection.
When I arrived on Manus six years ago, Australian officials said I had to go through PNG’s refugee claim and resettlement process. They told me that it would take three to five years. Now I am in my seventh year of incarceration. What kind of unjust and uncertain system is this?
Throughout our detention we have tried to make our voices heard in order to explain the miseries forced on us. Sadly, people refuse to listen. When we were transported to Manus we were healthy and fit, but after so many years of what writer Behrouz Boochani has identified as “systematic torture”, the lack of medical care and desperation have completely destroyed us.
We are mentally and physically sick, and our names have been taken from us and replaced with numbers. We have forgotten our talents, our passions and our abilities. We hardly recognise ourselves. While we could have been contributing to a community or moving forward with lives, families and jobs, we have instead spent six years wasting our talents and dreams. Most devastating of all, 12 innocent lives have been lost forever.
Why does the Australian government continue with this life-destroying detention policy? Because we refugees have become commercial commodities for local and international companies, profiting from our miserable situation. ‘Stopping the boats’ and ‘protecting borders’ are now commercial activities. Stopping the boats is merely a ruse. Even though 75 percent of us detained since 2013 have been removed from offshore detention, the boats have still not come.
The government is trying to defeat the life-saving Medevac legislation that brings desperately sick refugees to Australia for proper medical treatment. The refugees were made sick by the Australian government because they have been kept indefinitely as hostages. The Australian government forces us to languish here even though they can immediately find a durable solution for us.
The government of New Zealand has offered to take 150 of us each year, but Australia says “no”. They say they fear that we will still try to come to Australia. If that is the case, why has Australia not sought durable solutions with other countries that freely welcome the contributions of refugees, such as Canada?
On this six-year anniversary of the offshore detention policy it’s time for Australians to think about why they allow their government to spend their tax dollars to keep these camps occupied. It doesn’t matter whether you support refugees or not, it is your money that is being wasted.
On this day all of us who remain incarcerated on Manus and Nauru ask Australians to imagine themselves in our position. Have we been given a fair go? Can Australia claim to be a humanitarian country? If you can turn a blind eye towards our treatment, isn’t it your own humanity that is lost?
As we step into the seventh year of this inhuman offshore detention policy, we call on those countries that respect human rights and belong to the UN Refugee Convention to defend the rights of women and men on Manus and Nauru, people whose rights continue to be denied.’
*Shaminda Kanapathi is in offshore detention on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island
Download PDF image link: for a world without borders
Comrade Rottie

Save Deebing Creek Mission