Rise Up 4 Rojava stencil template with Sehid Avesta Xabûr.
If anyone wants to have a go cutting it out, you can download the PDF here:
RiseUp4Rojava stencil template
A small tribute to the insurrectionary feminists of Mexico, & beyond
Jesus died for your homophobia
A “religious freedom” bill is set to be introduced into so-called Australian federal parliament this month, to give “christian” employers, school principles, hospitals, nursing homes, service providers etc the legal protection to sack workers, expel students, & deny people services on the grounds of their queer & transgender identity.
This bill is another step in strengthening the christo-fascist, white supremacist, & illegitimate colonial government of these lands. Although we have no faith in parliamentary politics, we’re not going to accept this latest homophobic & transphobic attack without a fight.
Queers bash back!
Abolish Aus Day

Insurection Populaire

Fascism is not to be debated…

Stickers available from our comrades at:

Vengeance for Zak

Captain Crook

“A STATUE of James Cook in St Kilda and the Burke Wills sculpture in the Melbourne CBD have both been defaced on the eve of Australia Day.”
corporate news link:
Banner drop & wheatepaste action on the eve of the vomit inducing national holiday “Australia Day” AKA INVASION DAY, so-called Australia.

Banner text left to right:
Australia is a crime scene.
Stop the genocide.
Abolish Aus Day.

Queers against colonialism.
Solidarity with the Aboriginal resistance.
Burn the butcher’s rag!
Abolish Aus Day.
Queers Against Colonialism