Guillotine Dreams

‘Caring for ourselves doesn’t mean pacifying ourselves. We should be suspicious of any understanding of self-care that identifies wellbeing with placidity or asks us to perform “health” for others. Can we imagine instead a form of care that would equip each of us to establish an intentional relationship to her dark side, enabling us to draw strength from the swirling chaos within? Treating ourselves gently might be an essential part of this, but we must not assume a dichotomy between healing and engaging with the challenges around and inside us. If care is only what happens when we step away from those struggles, we will be forever torn between an unsatisfactory withdrawal from conflict and its flipside, a workaholism that is never enough. Ideally, care would encompass and transcend both struggle and recovery, tearing down the boundaries that partition them.
Your human frailty is not a regrettable fault to be treated by proper self-care so you can get your nose back to the grind stone. Sickness, disability, and unproductivity are not anomalies to be weeded out; they are moments that occur in every life, offering a common ground on which we might come together. If we take these challenges seriously and make space to focus on them, they could point the way beyond the logic of capitalism to a way of living in which there is no dichotomy between care and liberation.’
Excerpt from the zine Self as Other; Reflections on Self Care, CrimethInc 2013
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Guillotine Dreams Poster available at AQAB distro, so-called australia post only, B2 50 x 70 cm, $20 each.
Postcards available internationally, set of 5 different A6 cards, with the above text printed on the back. A hybrid art/agit-prop/zine, $3 set.
100% proceeds to International Anarchist Defence Fund
We Are the Birds of the Coming Storm
Abolish Prisons
‘In the network of the metropolis the most totalitarian human tendencies are expressed through relationships. Only target: the accumulation of capital from every possible production field, from every “innovative” consummation field. And Exarcheia couldn’t get away from this plan. The capitalist invasion is war. And this war, besides the consciously-politicized subjects, aims at the people that are not considered productive and exploitable, such as migrants without papers, “illegal” street vendors, expropriators and substance users. We, by practically showing our solidarity, take position in this war, choose to stand by every oppressed person and to remind the state that no attack and no eviction will stay unanswered.
At the same time, we try to get to know the migrants in Exarcheia square, and in every square. We want to become one with the wild youth. Lets all together try to engrave our own routes, in our common grounds, creating common codes and cultures of mutual empowerment and solidarity. If we don’t build real relationships with the people that are part of the multi-ethnic proletariat, how can we talk about our collective liberation?
From hanging out together, to squatting buildings together, to making riots together, to expropriating metropolitan’s wealth together, to talking about our problems, to evolving our thoughts and our way of acting. To getting away from any academical and cut off, from our way of living, critics. Lets not become the perpetual apostates of history, but be the people who write it. We weren’t born as the “perfect” anti-authoritarian subjects and we don’t have that kind of demands from anyone. During the struggle, conscience and content are forged.
Riot Core “Mahir Mete Kul*”
*Mahir Mete Kul was a communist student from Turkey who was killed in 24/3/2019, at 22 years old, by trying to escape Erdogan’s establishment using an inflatable/dinghy through Evros. Being part of the “Revolutionary Youth”, he was imprisoned at 20 years old for 10 months, tortured and let out with a ban on leaving the country. He was kicked out of his university and his whole family was targeted. His attempts to live a better life did not succeed. The state and the capital killed Mahir. We do not forget, we do not forgive. Honor to his memory – Support to his family and comrades.’
Read more here:
Wallmapu Libre

Postcard size 14.8 x 14.8 cm, 100% proceeds donated to MASIL.
Order here:
‘Mapuche Aboriginal Struggles for Indigenous Land (MASIL) Exchange 2020 is a grassroots project organised between First Nations activists to organise and strengthen international solidarity and links between Indigenous peoples struggling for autonomy and self-determination, decolonisation and land defence.’
For direct donations:
Kill Your Idols
Transform the trauma into revenge

In solidarity with the wild.
“My queerness is an experimentation that never ends. It is the totality of a life lived against the law, insubordinate and wild. It is not a communist politics but a nihilist negation to all systems that attempt to subordinate individuality. It is not the leftist politics of demanding and “building a better world” but an anarchist insurgency of reclaiming life day to day, and setting fire to its captors. Since gender is embedded in every fabric of this industrial, civilized society, I find no hope in salvaging any part of it only joy in every second of its calculated demise.” ~ Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack, by Flower Bomb
Read full text here:
Typography experiements