Try to be that drop.
I love you all.”
Ciao Orso.
Sehid Namirin / Martyrs Never Die
“Red for the fiood of blood poured, black for the mourning of the millions of dead. This is the color of the flag of anarchists, which has never been lowered, which combine all men who love humanity. They fight for freedom and fight all social injustices, for these noble feelings that anarchists have always been defamed, slandered, tortured, persecuted, jailed, assasinated in a vile, shameful way, which hate the conscience of men. Anarchists want to live in a human and fraternal society, without state, soldiers, money, Masters, without cops, without jails and without exploiters. Where everyone works at the production of useful things, and truly live our short existence, without hate, fear, worries for tomorrow.
Now and always, long live anarchy ” ~ Lorenzo Orsetti
International Freedom Battalion
Internationalist Commune of Rojava
Tekoşîna Anarşîst / Anarchist Struggle
TiKKO / Liberation Army of the Workers and Peasants of Turkey
YPG / People’s Protection Units
To download hi-res file: Orso – be the drop